February 9, 2023
Reading: Genesis 1:1-31; 2:1-3
Focus: Genesis 1:1a – In the beginning, God . . .
Father God, as I begin to share what I see in Your Word, Open my mind and heart to Your Truth. Let my readers see who You are and all that You have done in creation. Open hearts and minds to Your words. In Jesus Name. Amen.
NOTE: To learn more about a “day” in Genesis, click the link below. Please comment. Thank you. https://bringingjesusn2focus.com/2023/03/06/its-all-in-a-days-work/
I cannot tell you where God came from or what His origins may be. I believe that He has always existed. The words “In the beginning” tell me that God was already there. It does not say that God arrived this way or that. He just was there. It boggles the mind, doesn’t it. How can it be, that God has always existed? It is a matter of faith for me. God called Himself I AM to Moses in the desert. I believe that I AM is (not was) in the past, I AM is in the present and I AM is (not will be) in the future.
I have said it before and I will say it again. I believe that everything in the Bible is fact. From Genesis 1:1 to Revelations 22:21, there is nothing in it that is not fact. The Bible is the story of salvation. We can trace the lineage of Jesus from Adam to Mary. We read about the men and women who are the ancestors of Jesus Christ. We see how they lived, how they followed God and how they failed, and yet, God is with them every step of the way. This is His Story.
The Bible tells us that the earth, with everything in it and on it were created in six days by His Word alone and on the seventh day, God rested. If God hds spent millions of years creating the universe and earth, He would have included that in the Bible, but the Bible says six days and one day of rest. Everything was just the way He wanted it. Creation was perfect and complete. In the beginning, the earth had no form, and nothing was on it. I don’t know why it was that way. I can’t imagine God creating something that had no form and was void of everything. A number of Scriptures suggest that Lucifer was cast down from heaven to the earth. Now whether this happened before or after creation is not stated anywhere. I’ll just have to take that in faith.

I will never believe that this planet came from some cosmic explosion and over millions of years, life on earth was generated by a lightning strike in a pool of green slime. Ick! Please remember, evolution is just a theory. An unproven theory at that. Everything on this planet has a purpose, and the stars in the heavens have a purpose. Every tiny detail of every living thing on this planet was created with planning and ultimate care. Nothing was by accident. Everything has been specifically constructed with a purpose in mind. God knew exactly what He was going to do before He even began creation. God has always had a plan.
Nothing was by accident. Everything has been specifically constructed with a purpose in mind. God knew exactly what He was going to do before He even began creation. God has always had a plan.
Day One: God created light. Not sun, moon or stars, just light. He spoke the words and it was done. The dark only exists until the light shines. Evening and morning were the first day.
Day Two: God creates the sky. Only His Word created the sky. He spoke two places of water to be separated from each other by this sky. All in 24 hours.
Day Three: God called the land into being. He said, “Let it be,” and it was. The waters receded and dry ground appeared. Nothing growing on it yet, nothing in the seas around it yet, there was only water and land. Then He spoke all vegetation into being. All kinds. Seed bearing plants, trees, plants that generated new ones just by dropping a leaf on the ground; each with the seed of its own kind within itself. God looked at it, said that it was good and the day ended.
Day Four: God created the sun, the moon and the stars. Again, He spoke them into being. The sun was to rule the day and the moon and stars to rule the night. God said the sun and moon would mark sacred times, seasons, days and years. This was no accident. There was planning here. God set the stars into the heavens with purpose. They have been used to guide sailors, the moon has a gravitational effect on our oceans, and the sun warms our days and helps vegetation to grow. They tell us the seasons, when to plant and when to harvest. Everything had a purpose in God’s Plan. Another good day.

Day Five: Again, God spoke the words, and the oceans came alive with fish, amphibians and the aquatic mammals; all things large and small. He called birds of every kind and species into existence. He blessed them and told them to fill the waters and the air with their own kind. Day Five of the plan was complete.
Day 6: God spoke again. He called into being all species of animal. Livestock, wild animals, animals that moved along the ground. Each had within itself the ability to reproduce its own kind. This is the reason that I will never believe in evolution. There is no creature that came from something that climbed out of a slime pool or evolved from its own kind to another. My ancestors are not monkeys! Then, God decided to make man. The last day ended.
Day 7: God rested. We are created to work 6 days and rest one. Rest helps us to be more creative, more focused, boosts the immune system, improves short term memory, reduces inflammation and heart disease, and lowers stress. God created us to rest regularly, so He gave us an example. He rested on the seventh day. So, rest, recharge your batteries.
Now, the Bible goes over the creation of man twice. He wants to make sure we know just how special and unique we are. First, He states that We will create man. But He did not say ‘I’. He said, “Let Us make man in Our image. . . “. In the New Testament, the apostle John wrote in John 1:1 “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” God was not alone when He created the universe. We read that the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. We also have the Word which was spoken to create the earth. We have evidence of the God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit: the Holy Trinity, all present at creation. The best way to understand the Holy Trinity is to look at an egg. You have three parts, the shell, the white, and the yolk. Separately, they are all egg. Together they are the whole egg. God, the Father, God, the Son and God, the Holy Spirit; separately they are God and together they are God.
God chose to make man with the same attributes of God. Man stood, talked, walked, breathed, reasoned and thought, everything that God could do. However, man is neither omniscient, omnipresent nor omnipotent. Man was human, not God, and limited to that humanity. Man was created to walk with God and was instructed to take care of the earth and the creatures in it. Man was given dominion over the animals. God blessed this new creation, Man. He gave Man instructions of what was expected of him. Now, Man was created a little lower than the angels. But God gave Man something that was not given to the angels. He created Man with the ability to make a choice. Angels were created to worship God. Man has the choice to worship and to obey, or not.

He gave us all seed-bearing plants for food. He gave all plant life as food for the animals. At this point in time, there was no death. Can you just imagine for a minute that you could have a tiger or lion for a pet? I’d have a tiger. No animal attacked another for food. Man did not live in fear of wild animals. Wild animals had no fear of man. There was no need for clubs, or spears, or swords. This was how nature was supposed to be. Perfect. Paradise. This is how nature will be when Christ returns, and Satan is defeated forever.
So, you see, even before man was created, God had a plan. God exists, has always existed and will exist long into an eternity without end. God IS in the past. He IS in the present. He IS in the future. All things are known by God, past, present and future. He knew, even then, that the serpent would tempt Eve. He knew she would eat the fruit and He knew Adam would do the same. We don’t know how long they lived in the Garden of Eden before the serpent spoke to Eve. But they knew what they could and could not do. And God knew what He would do to save that precious creation, Man. That plan would take place centuries into mankind’s future but the foundation of that plan was already in place at creation. It is only through Jesus Christ that we can become as God created us.
Are you a new creation?
Father God, as King David said, Create in me a clean heart. One that seeks after You. Fill me with Your presence, so that I can shine Your light to others. Amen.
Food for Thought
- What do you believe about God?
- What do you believe about creation? Was it millions of years or days?
- Who do you think were the “Us” is, when God said, “Let Us make man.” And what does “in the image of God” mean?
- Do you believe that life on earth evolved or was created? Why?
- Do you believe that God has a plan for you? Why or why not?
Respectfully, I disagree. You are right when you say God exists outside of time. You and I measure time by human standards. The rising and setting of the Sun.
The Hebrew word for day (yôm) can be translated day(24h)… time… year… continually… day (as opposed to night)… always… full… whole… time period… lifetime… [and about a dozen more]
Which version are you choosing to use? Why? Because that is the most common English meaning for day? Even in English day doesn’t mean just one thing. Both Hebrew and Greek are far more nuanced languages.
Most of the patristic fathers writing from the first century do NOT take the use of day as a 24h day.
Your critic of 2 Peter 3 is questionable. Yes… Peter was saying God works according to His timing.
Peter is making a reference to Psalm 90:4: “For a thousand years in [God’s] sight are but as yesterday when it is past, or as a watch in the night.”
His point is that God is not bound by counting days from a human perspective.
The expression here used, that “one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, etc.,” is common in the Rabbinical writings..
It doesn’t mean 1 day = 1000 years just like Jesus saying 7×70 doesn’t mean 490.
What God means by a Day in Genesis and 2 Peter should not be interpreted as what a human might perceive.
People tend to want to read the Bible like it was written to be a historical document. It was not. It was written to be a theological document.
Final thought. Has anybody ever been “brought” to the LORD by arguing for creationism verses evolution? Likely not. The reverse however is damning. Many have been driven away from the church and a relationship with the LORD by this fight. The saddest part of this is Jesus very specifically specifies His yoke… this isn’t part of it.