July 9, 2023
Reading: Genesis 24
Focus: Genesis 24:43-44 – “See, I am standing beside this spring. If a young woman comes out to draw water and I say to her, “Please let me drink a little water from your jar”, and if she says to me, “Drink, and I’ll draw water for your camels too,” let her be the one the Lord has chosen for my master’s son.’
Father God, Thank You for Your Blessings. Thank you that You have a plan for my life and for the life of all Your children. Guide us and show us Your path. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Abraham was nearing the end of his life and Isaac didn’t have a wife yet. Abraham did not want his son to marry a Canaanite woman. It was customary for parents chose the spouses for their children and Isaac had waited patiently but he was nearly forty years old. While it was common practice to marry within a family group, it was an added advantage for Abraham as Isaac would not be marrying a pagan. Abraham wanted to be obedient to God, not only in who Isaac married but in where she came from. Abraham did not want Isaac to leave to go search for wife himself. He needed Isaac to stay where he was. So, Abraham entrusted the task to Eliezer, a life-long servant of Abraham’s.

Eliezer had seen God work in Abraham’s life and the life of his family. He was part of the covenant God had made with Abraham. He was presented with the challenge. He swore to do exactly as he was instructed. The Bible doesn’t tell us how long he traveled but he arrived in the evening when women were coming for water for their households. Eliezer prayed that God would direct him to the right woman for his master’s son, Isaac. He asked God for a very specific sign; a woman would give him water and also offer to water his camels. Almost immediately after he prayed, Rebekah came to the well. Eliezer asked for water to drink which she gave willingly and then offered to water his camels.

He presented her with a nose ring and two gold bracelets to her. The nose ring was a symbol of modesty and indicated that a woman was married or ready to be married. The bracelets were seen as a way to connect Isaac to Rebekah, sort of like an engagement ring. Then, he asked after her family and learned that she was of Abraham’s own family and clan. He began to praise the Lord and bowed down to thank Him for answering his prayer.

Eliezer explained his mission to her family and presented the bride price to her family. These gifts of gold, silver and clothing were traditional gifts to the family of the bride from the groom and his family. The payment of the bride price was most often a matter of social and symbolic as well as economic reciprocity, being part of a long series of exchanges between the two intermarrying families. It consolidated friendly relations between them, provided a material pledge that the woman and her children will be well treated, symbolizing her worth to the community, and providing a level of compensation to her birth family for the loss of her labor and company. The bride price may consist of money or goods, and it may be paid in one sum or in installments over a period of time. The goods transferred may include a diverse array of items such as livestock, bolts of cloth, drink, food, traditional weapons (such as spears), carts and wagons. The bride price is often one part of a reciprocal exchange. It is most often accompanied by the provision of a dowry—a payment presented by the bride’s family to that of the groom to ensure that the bride is provided for in the event of the death of her husband.
Eliezer had brought gifts, such as those mentioned, to her brother and mother as proof that she would be well taken care of by her husband and his family. Because she would be so far from them, her family was reluctant for her go but when asked what she wanted, she was willing to go immediately. So, Rebekah and Eliezer traveled back to where Abraham and Isaac were living. As Eliezer brought Rebekah back to his master, they passed a field where Isaac stood. He went to meet them. Isaac listened to Eliezer’s story, took Rebekah to Sarah’s tent and married her. He loved her and she loved him.

This is a clear picture of how God brings us to Himself. God romances His people. Throughout history, God has searched for us, purchased us and brought us back to Him. The servant, Jesus, left His home and came to earth, searching for us. When He finds us, He gives us the silver and gold of God’s truth. The Bride Price God, the Father, gave for us was the gift of His Son and the blood He shed on the cross that clothes us in His righteousness. One day, He will come again, as the Bridegroom, to take us home to His Father and we will sit down, as the bride of Christ, at the wedding supper of the Lamb. His love will never fade. The Bible is His story of His love for us.
I remember the day I met my husband. I was done with dating. The day I got home for Christmas break, I had told God I would wait for His choice, His timing. It’s all my sister fault because she was the one who introduced us. He says he knew immediately that he had met “The One”. And I . . . well . . . OK, it took me about a week or so to admit it. I had thought I had been in love before but this was so much more. I knew that Stan was the man God had prepared for me. We married after I graduated college the following fall. That has been nearly 46 years ago.
As in Isaac’s case, God has someone for each of us. We meet them in God’s timing. Sometimes, we may jump in God’s way and marry God’s second best for us. We need to wait on God to provide our life’s mate. It may take years of patient waiting but God will provide. And for some, it may be that God has a reason for you to be single. If He has chosen that path for you, be thankful. He knows your heart better than you do. He may have a very special task that will be more satisfying for you. Trust Him no matter what.
Can you wait for His choice?
Father, I thank You for the husband You gave me. We have had our ups and downs but there has always been love between us. I recognize that our love for each other is a reflection of Your love for us. You love us with all our strengths and all of our faults. Unconditionally. Thank You. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Food for Thought
- Why do you think Abraham waited so long to find a wife for Isaac?
- Why did Abraham not want Isaac to marry one of the local girls?
- Why do think Abraham didn’t want Isaac to go with Eliezer?
- If you are married, did you pray for a spouse? Are you still praying for them? Why or Why not?
- If you are single, have you prayed about a future spouse? Why or Why not?