I don’t know how many of you have watched Star Trek. But one episode is about the Kobiashi Maru. It is training exercise for Starfleet cadets to see how they manage a crisis aboard a Starfleet vessel. The good thing is that it weeds out the weak leaders from the strong. The bad thing is that it is a no-win situation. Fortunately, for the cadets, it was only a test. A real-life situation like this would have been catastrophic. But that is often what some of us face. A real-life, no-win situation. But I have to say, nothing in life is really no-win if you have Jesus in your life.
Tag: atonement
It Has To Be A Heart Thing
The story of Cain and Abel is the first recorded case of sibling rivalry. Abel offered his sacrifice of a firstborn lamb from his flock in obedience to God, recognizing that he needed forgiveness of sin. Cain knew in his heart he knew he was wrong, but he still offered fruits and vegetables.
Did You Know We’re Naked?
Adam blamed his sin on Eve. Eve blamed her sin on the serpent. Everybody was pointing fingers at someone else, well, except the serpent (no fingers). Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? But God is omniscient. He knows everything; past, present and future. He knew they would be tempted. And sadly, He knew they would fall. But before time began, God had made a plan.
February 16, 2023 Reading: Genesis 3:1-10 Focus: Genesis 3:9 – But the Lord God called to the man, “Where are you?” Father, thank You for Your blessings today. Pour Your words into my heart and out my fingertips. Let Your truth shine today. Open hearts and minds to Your words and bring people closer to…