Once the darkness lifted, Pharaoh went back to trying to bargain with God. (Exodus 10:24-29) But, God is not to be bargained with. But Pharaoh believed he was on equal footing with God. He was worshipped in Egypt as a god. Pharaoh was considered to be a god, the son of Ra, the supreme god. But he was only human, just as God was trying to show him. It still hasn’t dawned on him that God was greater and more powerful than any god he worshipped. But soon, he would learn that God was more powerful than life itself.
Tag: blood
as we learned before, Pharaoh believed he was descended from the supreme god. He believed that he had power over all facets of Egyptian life. He had magicians and wise men who could perform ‘miracles’. Whether these came by illusion or from demons is not told in the scripture. However, they could reproduce some of the things that God sent upon the Egyptians. But they could not reverse anything that God sent. God would soon show them that their gods had no power. One by one, the gods would fall.
Easter – Pagan or Christian Holiday
As I look forward to the Easter Sunday, I have to wonder. Have we lost the true meaning of Easter? Why chocolate bunnies and eggs? The word ‘Easter’ is not found anywhere in the Bible. It came about long after the Passover week when Jesus was crucified, dead and buried, and, on the third day of Passover, rose again. That is what we should be celebrating. The word ‘Easter’ does not mean resurrection or anything concerning Jesus at all. So why do we call the first Sunday of Passover Easter? And why do we use bunnies and eggs to celebrate with? I remember, from my church history classes back in college, that many of the pagan holidays were incorporated into the Roman Catholic Church calendar and given Christian meanings.