Joseph now knows that his brothers have changed over the years. He has seen the change in their honesty and in their concern for family. He also sees a great change in Judah. It was Judah who suggested that Joseph be sold to the slave traders back in the day. The testing was over and Joseph’s emotions were overwhelming.
Tag: brothers
Let’s look back at what Joseph has done to his brothers and why. But let us also be aware that Joseph was being led by God. His actions were God’s tools to bring the brothers to repentance. First, he accused them of being spies and threw them in prison. I would imagine that they were interrogated, not only by Joseph but by his servants as well. I mean, if you are arrested as spies, wouldn’t you expect to be carefully questioned? Then, rather than letting them all go, he kept Simeon as prisoner and sent the rest back to Jacob. Then he sent them away with the money they had paid for the grain secreted in their grain sacks. What is he trying to find out? What is God doing in the brothers’ lives?
Joseph is the second most powerful man in Egypt. There was not much that he could not do. So, when his brothers showed up from the land of Canaan, he was met with a temptation that many would have yielded to. He could have thrown his brothers in to prison and forgotten them, just as callously as they sold him to slavers.
Dinah is the daughter of Jacob by his wife, Leah. The Bible doesn’t mention other daughters, but we know he had at least one. We do not know how old Dinah was, but she was probably young enough to still believe that she would be safe. I would place her in her mid-teens probably. Don’t hold me to that, it’s just a guess. I remember being a teenager. I wanted to spread my wings and do what the other girls were doing. I imagine that Dinah did to. So, she walked to the city to “see the women of the land” (Genesis 33:1). Just why, is the question. Was she curious? Did she want to mingle with them and take part in their activities? Considering her family, why would she want to go into a city that was ungodly?