Once the darkness lifted, Pharaoh went back to trying to bargain with God. (Exodus 10:24-29) But, God is not to be bargained with. But Pharaoh believed he was on equal footing with God. He was worshipped in Egypt as a god. Pharaoh was considered to be a god, the son of Ra, the supreme god. But he was only human, just as God was trying to show him. It still hasn’t dawned on him that God was greater and more powerful than any god he worshipped. But soon, he would learn that God was more powerful than life itself.
Tag: death
The Reason for Easter
Many of us celebrate Easter with chocolate, Easter eggs and chocolate bunnies. But this is not what Easter is all about. First of all, the word Easter is nowhere in the Bible. There are sources that have a theory of where the word began. Suffice it to say, it has nothing to do with Jesus’ death and resurrection. I am going to walk you through the last week of Jesus’ life before the resurrection.
It Has To Be A Heart Thing
The story of Cain and Abel is the first recorded case of sibling rivalry. Abel offered his sacrifice of a firstborn lamb from his flock in obedience to God, recognizing that he needed forgiveness of sin. Cain knew in his heart he knew he was wrong, but he still offered fruits and vegetables.