Now, the area around Gerar was arid, desert land. So, water was a precious commodity. To stop up someone’s well was a serious crime and could well start a war. But Isaac moved everything and everyone he had to the Valley of Gerar. He reopened the wells that his father had dug but moved again because Philistine shepherds continued to dispute his ownership of them, not once but twice. Isaac and his men dug a new well. The Philistines again claimed it. So, he moved again and dug another well with the same result. Finally, he moved again and dug a third well. When that third well was dug there were no disputes. Isaac knew that God had given them room to grow and flourish. He named it Rehoboth: “Now the Lord has given us room and we will flourish.”
Tag: desert
Have you ever had someone give you a task and you tell them you’ve got it and that they don’t need to worry, it will get done? Then, while you are getting things together in a manner that will complete the task correctly and in a timely manner, they jump in a do something that messes it up. Well, that’s what Sarai did. She didn’t take God at His Word and jumped in to see if she could help God move matters along. Not only did she bring about the birth of child whose descendants would be enemies of her own son’s descendants. She gave herself someone to be jealous of. Neither event was a good thing.