The prophet Daniel, told of ‘the Anointed One’ coming to Israel about 500 years before he was born. The prophecy in the focus verse talks of 490 years. Seven years of that prophecy has not yet occurred, but 483 years after Jerusalem was rebuilt after the Babylonian captivity, Jesus was crucified. The decree, recorded in the book of Nehemiah, was made in 444 BC (according to our calendar). The calendar that we use is a more ‘modern’ calendar than the one used back in the day. A 360-day year was used at that time. So, 483 years X 360 days is 173,800 days. 173,800 divided by 365 equals 476 years. 444 BC plus 476 years (there is no zero year by the way), is 33 AD. Based on this calculation, this is the year Jesus was crucified. Judaism uses 490 years (70×7) of the prophecy rather than 483 years (69×7). They will not see the 62 ‘sevens’ plus the 7 ‘sevens’ as the Messianic prophecy. This allows them to say that Jesus is not the Messiah, based on their calculations.
Tag: Jesus
Abraham moved from the mountains overlooking the destroyed cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, staying for a time in different places. Then, he pitched his tents in Gerar, the land of the Philistines. Word got around about the beautiful woman in Abraham’s company and the king asked about her. Obviously, Abraham forgot what he learned in Egypt, and he lied again about Sarah’s relationship to himself. And Sarah was taken, again, into the harem of a king.
God didn’t just promise Abraham a son, He promised him a nation, He promised ownership of land, a forever home, a place to put down roots and grow. God also promised to be their God down through the generations. God’s only demand was that Abraham, and his descendants, keep their part of the covenant.
Easter – Pagan or Christian Holiday
As I look forward to the Easter Sunday, I have to wonder. Have we lost the true meaning of Easter? Why chocolate bunnies and eggs? The word ‘Easter’ is not found anywhere in the Bible. It came about long after the Passover week when Jesus was crucified, dead and buried, and, on the third day of Passover, rose again. That is what we should be celebrating. The word ‘Easter’ does not mean resurrection or anything concerning Jesus at all. So why do we call the first Sunday of Passover Easter? And why do we use bunnies and eggs to celebrate with? I remember, from my church history classes back in college, that many of the pagan holidays were incorporated into the Roman Catholic Church calendar and given Christian meanings.
The Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth
Have you ever been so afraid that you did the wrong thing and it made it worse? Well, that is just what Abram did. Abram knew how beautiful his wife was and he was afraid that someone might kill him just to take her. So, he told her to say that she was his sister. I don’t know what he was thinking. All he wanted to do was deceive the Egyptians so that they wouldn’t take Sarai.
The Reason for Easter
Many of us celebrate Easter with chocolate, Easter eggs and chocolate bunnies. But this is not what Easter is all about. First of all, the word Easter is nowhere in the Bible. There are sources that have a theory of where the word began. Suffice it to say, it has nothing to do with Jesus’ death and resurrection. I am going to walk you through the last week of Jesus’ life before the resurrection.
Before the Beginning
This year I’m determined to read the Bible through. However, I may not make it because, since the first of the year, I have only gotten as far as Genesis 28 (as of today January 28, 2023) and this is why. When I began reading in Genesis, I was struck by just how many times Jesus was reflected in those Scriptures. Some are very bold pictures and some you might need to read between the lines to see it.
God did not then, or ever, have a wife and for that matter, neither did Jesus. No matter which conspiracy theory you hear about the Merovingian Dynasty of France, or any other supposed bloodline of Jesus, those theories are just that, theories. Unproven theories. The ideas of people trying to make Jesus seem less than the Son of God that He is. There is no basis of fact for them to stand on. Satan brings this kind of stuff up over and over again to lead people away from the Truth of God and His Son, Jesus Christ.
The Colors of a Promise
The first thing Noah did, after leaving the ark, was to build an altar and offer a sacrifice to God in thanksgiving for the deliverance from the flood. Noah and his family were finally out of the ark and the animals had been released to go where God wanted them to be. Now the real work began. They had to start over. Not just a home, but planting and harvesting, and planning for the future. God promised that the world would never again be destroyed by a flood, and He gave a sign that would remind us, and Him, of that covenant. The rainbow.
As Jesus Returns Christians Will Vanish
There are so many viewpoints of what will happen when Jesus returns, and Satan is forever defeated. I am going to try to answer some questions you may have. If I don’t cover your question, please comment and I will try to address it. This is long and yet is very. Read the Book of Revelations. It’s all there. There are also prophecies regarding the end of time in Daniel and Ezekiel. Remember I am not a preacher or theologian. I am just sharing what I have learned.
The ark was built, it was covered in pitch, inside and out. The animals had been sent by God to the ark. Noah and his family herded each sets of pairs into their enclosures and made sure the gates were secure. Noah was told by God to go into the ark along with his family and all the animals that God had sent to him to be saved from the flood. God said that in seven days He would send the rain.
There he was. Noah, follower of God. I don’t think it took God too long to find him. He was a light in a world full of darkness. His immediate family followed God as Noah did. God told him what He was going to do and that He would save him and his wife, his sons and their wives. So, there were going to be only 4 men and 4 women, chosen by God to save the human race. Eight people!
Battles in Heavenly Places
March 5, 2023 First off, I want to apologize for the delay in getting out the last blog post, “Heart Thing”. I was dealing with some spiritual warfare. For some reason, I couldn’t get the last blog page to post. Satan did not want that blog to post. I haven’t figured out just what he…
No Matter the Language It’s Still Jesus
This morning, I spent a considerable amount of time ‘talking’ with a reader. It seems he believes that we are not following the right Messiah because Jesus is not the name of the Messiah, Yeshua is. I have done a little bit of reading up on this. Each transliteration of the name of Jesus is limited by the alphabet of the particular language it is translated into.
Now, I know, chapter 5 might seem boring but there’s hidden treasure here. Now, I know, chapter 5 might seem boring but there’s hidden treasure here. It states who begat who and how old Dad was when the son was born. But it is an interesting chapter because it also shows an unbroken line of men who worshipped God. It is the beginning of the lineage of Jesus. Two of the Gospels in the New Testament give the full lineage of Jesus.
It Has To Be A Heart Thing
The story of Cain and Abel is the first recorded case of sibling rivalry. Abel offered his sacrifice of a firstborn lamb from his flock in obedience to God, recognizing that he needed forgiveness of sin. Cain knew in his heart he knew he was wrong, but he still offered fruits and vegetables.
Did You Know We’re Naked?
Adam blamed his sin on Eve. Eve blamed her sin on the serpent. Everybody was pointing fingers at someone else, well, except the serpent (no fingers). Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? But God is omniscient. He knows everything; past, present and future. He knew they would be tempted. And sadly, He knew they would fall. But before time began, God had made a plan.
February 16, 2023 Reading: Genesis 3:1-10 Focus: Genesis 3:9 – But the Lord God called to the man, “Where are you?” Father, thank You for Your blessings today. Pour Your words into my heart and out my fingertips. Let Your truth shine today. Open hearts and minds to Your words and bring people closer to…
It’s His Breath in Our Lungs
February 13, 2023 Reading: Genesis 2:4-25 Focus: Genesis 2:7 – Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and the man became a living being. Father, Thank you for creating man in Your Image. Thank You for caring enough to make…
The Bible tells us that the earth, with everything in it and on it were created in six days by His Word alone and on the seventh day, God rested. If God hds spent millions of years creating the universe and earth, He would have included that in the Bible, but the Bible says six days and one day of rest.