There are a lot of arguments concerning the validity of the Bible. In Why Believe the Bible – Part 1 we went through the secular issues such as documentation, archaeology, various sciences, medicine and so on. I will be referring to some of that information in today’s blog. Now, let’s look at the book itself. What are the main arguments? Here are just a few. I may have to write a Part 3 and Part 4, because there are so many more arguments beyond these four and some explanations may be longer than others in the telling. So, Part 2 will be discussing how we got the Bible, who wrote it and God’s part in the writing and how it is unique among other religious texts.
Tag: Old Testament
King Kedorlaomer and his allies sacked the cities and took everything. Food, clothing, livestock and captured all of the people in those cities. One of the captives was Lot, the nephew of Abram, who was living in Sodom. Abram did not have to go after Lot. He could have just left him enslaved. It would have been easier and safer to just stay out of it. But he didn’t. It took courage to go up against the forces of these four kings. He took 318 men to go after them.
Before the Beginning
This year I’m determined to read the Bible through. However, I may not make it because, since the first of the year, I have only gotten as far as Genesis 28 (as of today January 28, 2023) and this is why. When I began reading in Genesis, I was struck by just how many times Jesus was reflected in those Scriptures. Some are very bold pictures and some you might need to read between the lines to see it.
The population of the earth was growing. People began to move as the population grew. Since there were only eight people to begin with it makes sense that there was only one language. The people congregated between two rivers, the Tigris and the Euphrates. They built a city on the plain of Shinar. Between two rivers, the land had to be lush and fertile. The perfect place to put down roots and stay a while.
The Colors of a Promise
The first thing Noah did, after leaving the ark, was to build an altar and offer a sacrifice to God in thanksgiving for the deliverance from the flood. Noah and his family were finally out of the ark and the animals had been released to go where God wanted them to be. Now the real work began. They had to start over. Not just a home, but planting and harvesting, and planning for the future. God promised that the world would never again be destroyed by a flood, and He gave a sign that would remind us, and Him, of that covenant. The rainbow.
The way Genesis 8:1 is written would make you think that God forgot about them but be assured He did not. God knew where they were and what they were doing and thinking. This is what I am thinking. The rain from above and the waters gushing up from below kicked up a lot of debris and mud. Since God does not change the rules of nature, He knew it would take time for all of it to settle down to the bottom of the waters. And the ark may not have arrived yet over the place that God planned for it to settle.
The ark was built, it was covered in pitch, inside and out. The animals had been sent by God to the ark. Noah and his family herded each sets of pairs into their enclosures and made sure the gates were secure. Noah was told by God to go into the ark along with his family and all the animals that God had sent to him to be saved from the flood. God said that in seven days He would send the rain.
There he was. Noah, follower of God. I don’t think it took God too long to find him. He was a light in a world full of darkness. His immediate family followed God as Noah did. God told him what He was going to do and that He would save him and his wife, his sons and their wives. So, there were going to be only 4 men and 4 women, chosen by God to save the human race. Eight people!
It Has To Be A Heart Thing
The story of Cain and Abel is the first recorded case of sibling rivalry. Abel offered his sacrifice of a firstborn lamb from his flock in obedience to God, recognizing that he needed forgiveness of sin. Cain knew in his heart he knew he was wrong, but he still offered fruits and vegetables.
Did You Know We’re Naked?
Adam blamed his sin on Eve. Eve blamed her sin on the serpent. Everybody was pointing fingers at someone else, well, except the serpent (no fingers). Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? But God is omniscient. He knows everything; past, present and future. He knew they would be tempted. And sadly, He knew they would fall. But before time began, God had made a plan.
February 16, 2023 Reading: Genesis 3:1-10 Focus: Genesis 3:9 – But the Lord God called to the man, “Where are you?” Father, thank You for Your blessings today. Pour Your words into my heart and out my fingertips. Let Your truth shine today. Open hearts and minds to Your words and bring people closer to…
It’s His Breath in Our Lungs
February 13, 2023 Reading: Genesis 2:4-25 Focus: Genesis 2:7 – Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and the man became a living being. Father, Thank you for creating man in Your Image. Thank You for caring enough to make…
The Bible tells us that the earth, with everything in it and on it were created in six days by His Word alone and on the seventh day, God rested. If God hds spent millions of years creating the universe and earth, He would have included that in the Bible, but the Bible says six days and one day of rest.
How Bringing Jesus N2 Focus Came to Be
When I began reading in Genesis, I was struck just how many times Jesus was reflected in those Scriptures. Some are very bold pictures and some you might need to read between the lines to see it. Jesus Christ is reflected there in the stories of the men and women who are his human ancestors.