We have worked our way through six plagues. The only indication of time frame that we have is that seven days passed after God struck the Nile. I have read that some scholars think the time from the Nile turning to blood to the deaths of the first born was 40 days. God is kind of partial to 40 days, so who knows. At any rate, time waits for no man. Pharaoh was just a man, and he was running out of time. One of these days, Pharaoh will let the Israelites go, he just doesn’t realize it yet.
Tag: plague
We’re going to look at the next two plagues this week. The fifth plague affected all of the Egyptian cattle “out in the field”. That phrase is important here. We’ll look into that. The sixth plague is boils. Boils on the people and the remaining animals.
Moses had a simple message. This is what God says, “Let my people go.” But Pharaoh was having none of it. Instead, he made it harder for the Israelites to make the bricks that they were forced to make for the Egyptians. God told Moses to go to the people and tell them that God had heard their suffering and remembered the covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. To tell them that He would free them and lead them to the land promised to the patriarchs. Moses passed this message on to the people and they would not listen to him because they were discouraged. They had had hope and all it got them was more work.