October 29, 2023
Reading: Genesis 39
Focus: Gensis 39:6 – So Potiphar left everything he had in Joseph’s care; with Joseph in charge, he did not concern himself with anything except the food he ate.
Father God, thank You so much for all of your blessings. Thank You that we have eyes to see and ears to hear. Help us to hear what You have for us today. In Jesus Name, Amen.
First of all, I want to apologize for not posting last week. I have had a very busy couple of weeks, but now I am getting back into things that I need to do. I want to remind you that God is still in the business of answering prayer. Today, our church had a “dinner on the grounds”. There was barbeque pulled pork, brisket, chicken and sausage, potato salad, baked beans and cookies and bread pudding for dessert. We planned for about 100 or so. Before we set out the food, I prayed that God would multiply the food just as He had the loaves and fishes for Jesus. HE DID!!! We served nearly 150 people and had a bunch left over. A whole 21”X13” pan full of pulled pork. Two other pans the same size of baked beans and potato salad, along with hamburger and hotdog buns. Enough to probably cover the needs for our regular Wednesday night supper. Praise the Lord for answered prayer.

Now, to continue the story of Joseph. Remember that Joseph was seventeen when he was sold by his brothers to the Ishmaelites (Gen 37:2). When the caravan made it to Egypt, he was sold to an official of the Pharaoh, Potiphar. The Ishmaelites had probably already learned of Joseph’s talents in reading, writing and accounting. This make them able to promote him as an educated slave which would benefit the buyer with his intelligence and learning and would benefit the seller with the money he could be sold for. I have often said that God has pieces in place where He needs them to move His purposes along. So, Potiphar was in the market, probably looking for new slaves for his household when Joseph was presented for sale and, as we know, Potiphar bought him.

In Egypt, people were extremely rich or extremely poor. Potiphar was among the rich. His home was palatial, full of every luxury of the time. Potiphar was in a political position that would eventually benefit Joseph. Being of the court of Pharoah, Potiphar probably had many court officials in and out of his house. It was into this atmosphere that Joseph was brought as a slave. Joseph used his education and intelligence to bring more prosperity to Potiphar’s house. Potiphar was a very observant man. He saw Joseph’s ways and how his work benefited the household. Potiphar was aware of Joseph’s faith in God. He saw that as Joseph prospered, so did the house of Potiphar. He knew that Joseph’s God was with him. He raised Joseph through the ranks until Joseph was in charge of all of Potiphar’s possessions. He relied on Joseph so much that the only thing he really worried about was what he was going to have for dinner. That is a lot of power for a slave.
In Potiphar’s house, Joseph would also be in a position to meet these court officials in some way or another. Joseph became familiar with the ways of the court and the men of the court through his employment in Potiphar’s house. This political education would be very useful in Joseph’s future.

Potiphar was not the only one watching Joseph. We are told that Joseph was good-looking and well built. The kind of man that would catch the eye of any girl. Joseph unwittingly caught the eye of his master’s wife. From the get-go, we see that she was not a faithful wife. In modern times, this may seem to be the norm rather than the exception. This kind of behavior gets little attention today, but it should. It is a sin to have a sexual relationship outside of marriage. Joseph knew this. She tried to entice Joseph to go to bed with and he refused many times. Joseph told her that he was in charge of his master’s household and that nothing was withheld from him except her, his master’s wife. Then, he told her he would sleep with her and sin against God. Not sin against Potiphar, or her, but against God. The more she tried, the more he refused. You have heard the old adage “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned”. Well, this woman perceived herself to be scorned. Joseph was not scorning her he was refusing her advances. But she obviously didn’t see it that way. I imagine she was furious.

One day, for some reason, all the household slaves were gone from the house. She attempted again to entice him to her bed. She caught his cloak, but he shrugged out of it and ran out of the house. When we come up against temptation, no matter the kind, RUN away from it as fast as you can. Can you imagine the screeches she made when she realized she had his cloak and could accuse him of improper behavior? She called to the servants, and they came running. She accused Joseph of attempting to seduce her. She had the story concocted and told all who would hear it. When Potiphar came home, she told him the same story and showed him Joseph’s cloak. The Bible tells us that Potiphar “burned with anger”. I find it interesting that Potiphar didn’t even question the accusation. He took her word for it and threw Joseph into prison. The prison where the king’s prisoners were kept. One more piece in the puzzle of God’s planning.

But Joseph did not suffer in the prison. God was still with him and the warden took Joseph and placed him in charge of all the prisoners. Not only that, Joseph was also made responsible for of all that went on in the prison. Like Potiphar, the warden didn’t worry about anything in the prison. Why? God was with Joseph and prospered him, even in prison. Looking at Joseph’s life in this chapter we see that taking each small task and doing out best to accomplish it can prosper us. We may not see it at the time but as God’s plan for our lives comes together, those accomplishments will be blessed.
We are not told how long Joseph was in Potiphar’s house or how long he was in prison. But we do know that he was about thirty years old when he went before Pharoah to interpret his dreams. So, from the age of seventeen to the age of thirty, Joseph learned to manage a household and all of the estate of Potiphar and how to manage a prison with all of the supply and demand of food and goods required. Thirteen years God used to prepare Joseph for the next step in his life,

Throughout this chapter of Joseph’s life there are pictures of Jesus to be seen. Both Joseph and Jesus were servants. Joseph was sold to Potiphar and Jesus left heaven to serve mankind as Savior. They both please the one they served. Joseph was tempted by Potiphar’s wife but did not sin. Jesus was tempted by ALL of the things that man is tempted by and did not sin. Both were falsely accused and did not defend themselves. Joseph may not have been given the opportunity and Jesus did not open His mouth in His own defense. Joseph was thrown into prison even though he was innocent. Jesus was found innocent by Pilate but was condemned to death. Joseph was the respect of the prison warden and Jesus won the respect of the Roman centurion standing at the cross.
These thirteen years of Joseph’s life were full of hardship. His enemies, his brothers, sought to get rid of him. They sold him thinking that would be the end of him. Little did they know that they were setting him up to fulfill his dreams that had made them hate him. He was taken to a foreign country and sold again. There in that household he learned the things that he would need to know to fulfill the destiny that God had for him. In the prison, he learned even more and was placed in a position that would put him in contact with a man that would later be the key to his meeting Pharoah and fulfilling that destiny. More about that later.
Joseph placed his life in God’s hands. God walked with him, prospered him and used him to save the nation of Israel from starvation and to keep the Israelites a pure bloodline. We need to do the same. Place our lives in God’s hands. Trust Him to take care of us regardless of our circumstances. We just might find ourselves used by God in wondrous ways. Who knows what God will do with our lives if we give them to Him. Again, here’s that concept of faith. When God says jump or take that step, do it. Blessings will come your way even if you don’t see it yet. I did. God is using me here. I don’t see all those that this is reaching but I know that it is in God’s hands to do with as He sees fit.
Will you take that step?
Father God, thank You for Your word. Thank You for the life of Joseph so that we can see that relying on You will prosper us, now or in the future. Help us to trust You in all our ways. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Food for Thought
- What do you think Joseph was feeling as he travelled to Egypt?
- Do you think that Joseph despaired? Why or why not?
- Do you think that Joseph might have been a little bit tempted? Why or why not?
- Why do you think that Potiphar believed his wife?
- What do you do when you are tempted? Really tempted?