As we begin to look at Exodus, we need to approach it with open minds and not be fixed on the traditional views of the journey. We need to understand that archaeology may or may not have gotten the timing and places right. There are so many different opinions of when the Israelites left Egypt, where they left from, the route they traveled and which body of water they crossed that killed the entire Egyptian army.
Month: March 2024
Jacob was gone. Joseph and his brothers mourned his death. Joseph ordered that his father be embalmed as Egyptians were embalmed before burial. We know from archaeology that ancient Egyptians, at least the wealthy, were mummified for burial. So Joseph was following the customs of his time when he had Jacob embalmed. The Bible tells us that it took 40 days for the embalming to be completed. We are also told that the Egyptians mourned him for 70 days. This tells me that the Israelites were respected because of Joseph. They were not slaves at the beginning of their time in Egypt.
Jacob lived another seventeen years after he arrived in Egypt and died at the ripe old age of one hundred and forty-seven. Very venerable to the Egyptians. Before he died, he called all of his sons together to bless them. These blessings were not only expected but were important to the inheritance of the father’s wealth and authority. We will find as Jacob blesses his sons that, again, birth order does not count.
Jacob adopts the two sons of Joseph. This adoption placed them as legal sons of Jacob. Jacob said that they were now as much his sons and Reuben and Simeon. This placed them as equals to the rest of the sons of Jacob, with all the rights and privileges. They would have a part of the inheritance when they returned to Canaan. Jacob stated that they would be named as sons of Israel and called by his name. His adoption was his desire to turn them from the wealth and riches of Egypt to the spiritual richness of God’s chosen people. He named them as heads of two of the tribes of Israel.