March 3, 2024
Reading: Genesis 48
Focus: Genesis 48:5 – “Now then, your two sons born to you in Egypt before I came to you here will be reckoned as mine; Ephraim and Manasseh will be mine, just as Reuben and Simeon are mine.”
Father God, thank You for your healing power. I thank You for the touch of healing that You have given me. Help us to see what you would have us see today. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Joseph spent the greater part of his adult life away from his father, Israel. Now it was that son, virtually ‘raised from the dead’, who was providing for his father and his family. When Joseph was notified that his father was dying, he took his two sons, who were probably in their twenties, to be blessed by Jacob. It was important to Joseph that his sons hear the words Jacob says. It was important that they realize that they were part of the future nation of Israel. It was important that they receive a blessing from their grandfather. But the blessing given was not what Joseph expected.

Jacob adopts the two sons of Joseph. This adoption placed them as legal sons of Jacob. Jacob said that they were now as much his sons and Reuben and Simeon. This placed them as equals to the rest of the sons of Jacob, with all the rights and privileges. They would have a part of the inheritance when they returned to Canaan. Jacob stated that they would be named as sons of Israel and called by his name. His adoption was his desire to turn them from the wealth and riches of Egypt to the spiritual richness of God’s chosen people. He named them as heads of two of the tribes of Israel. The addition of these two young men is why the list of the tribes of Israel are different depending on the reason of the listing. Spiritual or secular.

When Jacob placed his hands on the heads of these two young men, he placed his right hand on the younger son and his left on the elder. Normally the elder receives the blessing from the right hand. The right hand is associated with the right hand of God. The hand of God’s strength, power and help. When Joseph protested, Jacob let him know that this was by God’s leading rather than any human impulse. That this was from God. Both were given the same blessing but the younger would be given a greater portion. Historically, Ephriam was a larger and more powerful tribe. Manasseh’s tribe and lands were split, divided by the River Jordan. The tribes of Ephriam and Judah were allies for centuries. Joshua was of the tribe of Ephriam. David was not firstborn, but seventh born. Both, though not firstborn were in the position of the first born. God does not reckon as man does. His choice of preference is not ours.

Here we see a distinct change in how Jacob speaks. He no longer speaks of how faithful he was to God, but rather how faithful God had been to him. Like I have said before, Jacob was a whiner and a jerk. Then, he learned that God was faithful and did fulfill his promises. Sadly, it was not until the end of his life that he took this attitude. We need to look at what God has done for us in our lives rather than what we have done in God’s name. The glory is God’s not ours. This is what God wanted the sons of Joseph to hear. God was faithful over and above the riches and privileges of Egypt.
Jacob points out that men who would inherit the blessings of their ancestors and be a part of God’s covenant, must walk as their ancestors did. Our walk should show that God is the God of our fathers, and we must remember that they were content in their walk with Him, as we should be.
Throughout these chapters of Joseph’s life, we have seen how his life is picture of Jesus. Charles Spurgeon, a preacher from the 1800s, said, “There is scarcely any person type in the Old Testament which is more clearly and fully a portrait of our Lord Jesus Christ that is the type of Joseph.” One of the final picture of Jesus in Joseph’s life is that through adoption, Manasseh and Ephriam became full sons of Israel. Through Jesus, the Gentiles were adopted into the family of God’s chosen people.
I know this one is short but the truths are there. We may not be the prominent ones in our church or communities but God can and will put us where He wants us, sometimes ahead of the prominent ones. My mother was a quiet, behind the scenes Christian. However, her life spoke volumes about God and her belief in Jesus Christ. People she worked with were influenced. People in our neighborhood were influenced. We may never know just how many people her life touched and pointed toward Jesus until heaven. Remember that you, as a Christian, are an inheritor with Jesus. Children of the Covenant.
Are you walking as a Covenant Keeper?
Father God, help us to see our value to You. Help us to understand that we have been adopted into the family of God, as equal inheritors. Help us to walk as Your children. In Jesus Name. Amen.
Food for thought
- Do you think Joseph was surprised how the blessing of his sons turned out? Why or why not?
- What do you think the boys thought about it?
- What would you do, if you were in a place of prominence but were asked by God to become a part of a group of people not so well known?
- Why do we see such a change in Jacob?
- Does your life reflect Jesus to others? Why or why not?