March 3, 2023
I was recently questioned about the six days of creation. The gentleman said that God’s “day” of Genesis 1, the “day” of the original writers, and our interpretation of “day” may be totally different concepts. He also said that because of the language drift that occurs over time that words may not mean the same thing as they did a hundred years ago, and that we might be reading the “day” in a different context. I, however, have to disagree. I looked up the meaning of the Hebrew word for ‘day’. The word is “yom”. The simple explanation is this, if it is used without a specification like first, second or third, it could mean a day of the week or day of the month rather than a 24-hour day. But in Genesis 1, the Hebrew word “yom” is used with evening and morning, which would make it a 24-hour day.
I believe in the absolute integrity of God’s Word. The same God who inspired the original writers would surely not want His Word distorted by translators down through the ages. I believe that He inspired and guided the translators to interpret the Greek and Hebrew texts accurately just as much as He did with the original authors when they first wrote down the words. He would have had to for the scriptures to be His Word and not man’s construct. If we are to believe that “day” means millions of years, then wouldn’t God have said so when Genesis was first recorded? Yes, the meanings of words change over periods of time, but God’s Word does not change. Just as God is the same, yesterday, today and forever, so is His Word.
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