How easy is it to overthink things? When a situation in your life comes up that is kind of out of the box, it’s so easy to think what if . . . I fail . . . I cause more problems than I fix . . . I can’t make people understand what I’m trying to do. I know I do. When I look at the test results before I speak to the doctor, my mind runs all over the place. Is it cancer? Is it something else? What happens now? What am I going to do if . . .? My brain is a very imaginative place. I can think of a million scenarios, most of them bad. So, here is Moses. He is overthinking. In doing so, he doesn’t take into account that God is in control. When God tells you that you are to do a particular thing, we need to remember that we will not be alone. God is there. He will provide all that we need.
Tag: promise
One would think that Moses would be ready to do God’s bidding. He knew that his people were suffering. He knew that he had run away after killing an overseer. He knew that he had a price on his head in Egypt. But he knew that now he was a nobody. A shepherd. The kind of person that the Egyptians despised. He was no longer a prince of Egypt, the son of the daughter of Pharoah. I mean, really. He had been gone for forty years. He could just see the reaction of both the Israelites and the Egyptians. And he voiced it in three words, “Who am I?”
Have you ever overheard other people talk and heard something so preposterous that you just wanted to laugh out loud? Then you had to try to keep from laughing too loud because you didn’t want anyone to know that you were eavesdropping. Or have you ever gotten the giggles in church? That is the worst. You have to keep your mouth shut and try not to let anyone know you’re laughing.
God didn’t just promise Abraham a son, He promised him a nation, He promised ownership of land, a forever home, a place to put down roots and grow. God also promised to be their God down through the generations. God’s only demand was that Abraham, and his descendants, keep their part of the covenant.
Third Time’s a Charm
Life settled down for Abram. He returned to his home under the trees of Mamre. And he still did not have a son. I often wonder what Abram and Sarai thought of the promise of descendants that could not be numbered. They had no son, or daughter for that matter. No children at all. My heart goes out to Sarai. She must have wanted children and suffered because she had not been able to give Abram a child.