By this time, the Israelites have descended into abject slavery. They were forced to make bricks. Their newborn sons were being thrown to the crocodiles. Those that were fortunate enough not to be making bricks were household or field slaves with nothing of their own. Their whole lives were dedicated to making the lives of the Egyptians easy. It was into this that Moses arrived to bring the hope of freedom.
Tag: sacrifice
We find Jacob on his way to meet Esau in person. All the preparations have been made and a plan has been put into motion. The herds and flocks had been sent ahead and now Jacob sees Esau, his brother, and four hundred men coming. He had each of his maid servants take their own children and put them in the front of the procession. Then Leah and her children. Finally, Rachel and Joseph, in the back of the parade. Jacob went on ahead. I thinking he went first to try to spare his family from Esau’s supposed wrath.
I don’t know how many of you have watched Star Trek. But one episode is about the Kobiashi Maru. It is training exercise for Starfleet cadets to see how they manage a crisis aboard a Starfleet vessel. The good thing is that it weeds out the weak leaders from the strong. The bad thing is that it is a no-win situation. Fortunately, for the cadets, it was only a test. A real-life situation like this would have been catastrophic. But that is often what some of us face. A real-life, no-win situation. But I have to say, nothing in life is really no-win if you have Jesus in your life.
Third Time’s a Charm
Life settled down for Abram. He returned to his home under the trees of Mamre. And he still did not have a son. I often wonder what Abram and Sarai thought of the promise of descendants that could not be numbered. They had no son, or daughter for that matter. No children at all. My heart goes out to Sarai. She must have wanted children and suffered because she had not been able to give Abram a child.